Nura Dev

Built-in types in Typescript

Built-in Types in Typescript The “any” type Arrays Tuples Enum Functions A void function A function that returns a number ...

Singleton - Creational design pattern

Table of contents Singleton Singleton The intent of singleton patterns is to ensure that at any given time a class has only one instance and to provide a global point of access to it

Design Patterns using C# 10

Table of Contents Design patterns Creational patterns Structural patterns Behavioral patterns Design patterns We will be covering the design patterns set forth b...

gRPC Basic concepts

Table of contents Basic components in gRPC A sample proto file RPC Lifecycle Message Types Authentication options Basic components in gRPC As with most interservice c...

Introduction to RPC (and to an extent gRPC)

Table of contents Introduction to RPC (and to an extent gRPC) What are Interservice communications? Interservice communication options REST vs RPC gRPC Introductio...

SQL insert statement

SQL statements are one of those things that I have at the tip of my tongue (or brain) but can never get them right the first go! So I am going to just write down the syntaxes, examples and some var...

Welcome to Nura Dev!

How great is your memory? I'll make a goldfish proud - That is (unfortunately) my motto If you don’t work on a particular technology for a while (like a few hours or days), do you forget everythi...